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THINGS TO CONSIDER - Virtual Assistant Green Flags & Red Flags: What to Look for When Hiring

Virtual Assistant Green Flags & Red Flags: What to Look for When Hiring

Over the past few years, more and more companies have chosen to outsource virtual assistants. What makes them so popular? They can save you time and help you grow your business without costing too much. In this article, we’ll outline some of the red and green flags to help you when hiring a virtual assistant of your own.

1. Green Flags

Experience in the Industry

Experience in the industry means that a virtual assistant knows what to expect when going into a VA position. While each company they have worked for may be a little different, they will know what they need to work efficiently and get the job done.

A Positive Attitude

Many of the responsibilities given to virtual assistants, such as emails, customer support, and social media, involve dealing with clients and potential clients. This means that a positive attitude is paramount. After all, you want your customers to feel welcomed and appreciated.

Specialised Skills

While specialised skills are not always necessary, they are nice to have. Some of the most common specialised skills offered by virtual assistants include:

  • Video editing
  • Accounting
  • Copywriting
  • Marketing
  • Web design

2. Red Flags

It’s Their First Ever Job

While everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves, it can be risky to hire someone who has never had a job before. Even if your new VA doesn’t have much virtual assistance experience, it would be good if they have at least one or two references on their CV to help determine their work ethic.

They Have Multiple Side Hustles

While most VAs have more than one client, it can be a red flag if they seem to be involved with several different side hustles, as they probably won’t have enough time to give your projects the time and attention that they deserve.

Travel is Their Priority

Many travel enthusiasts want to become virtual assistants so they can travel while working. The problem with this is that they may not always have a stable internet connection and a quiet working space. It’s better to work with a VA that has their own dedicated office space.

Do you want to learn more about what virtual assistants in Australia can offer your business? Here at VAssistMe, we offer an extensive database of talented and experienced VAs. We’ve helped hundreds of companies outsource virtual assistants, so feel free to contact us today to get the ball rolling!

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